Friday, June 15, 2018

Brianna Lynn Fiasco

My sweet little trouble maker is finally here!!! Well she's been here a week now. She arrived on June 8th, 2018 at 5:07 pm. My doctor asked me at my appointment on June 6th when I wanted to be induced since June 7th was my due date. She gave me the options of June 8th and June 13th. I chose the 8th because I didn't want any bad luck Friday the 13th birthdays for her.....and I was basically done being pregnant.

These pics I took the night before. I was sooooo huge! Let's just say the last few weeks were hell to get comfortable at night to get some rest. Turning from side to side was like a turtle being stuck on his back. I feel for those turtles now. I think this was the biggest I had ever gotten with any of my pregnancies.
On June 8th, I arrived at the hospital around 7:45 am to get the whole process started. Joey dropped me off and waited for my mom to be done with her appointment so he could pick her up and drop her back at our house to watch the kids. The nurse got my IV in around 9ish I think and we started the Pitocin at 9:30. Everyone told me that being induced was no fun because once the contractions start hitting, they will hit hard. The Pitocin took an hour to finally get things going. The contractions weren't really hitting hard like people had said so I'm like great, this is going to take forever. A little after noon, the house doctor broke my water. At this point, still no epidural because I didn't feel like I needed it. Well let me tell ya....not long after they broke my water those contractions started hitting hard. I was in tears. The nurse came in to check on me and I'm like "can I get that epidural now?" Thank God the guy came up quickly to do it. I was hurting bad. I don't know how women did it before with no drugs. I was able to get a tiny nap in after the epidural kicked in. I also noticed it made me a little talkative at first. I think I was just so happy to be out of pain. My doctor arrived at the hospital around 4:30 finally. They checked me and said it was about time to start pushing. So they got everything in the room all set up. I started pushing about 4:45. I felt like it took forever to get her out. They kept saying shes almost here, she;s almost here. Then right at the end I started panic pushing. I heard them softly talking and saying the cord was around her neck. It wasn't tight thankfully, but as a mother hearing that scares the crap out of you. When she finally came out, she wasn't crying. Yet another scary moment for me. I looked at Joey with tears in my eyes because i had all those fears my whole pregnancy. They took her over to get cleaned up and after what seemed like forever, I finally heard her cry. I was so relieved that she was okay.

Brianna Lynn came into this world weighing a whopping 8 lbs 9 oz and 21 in long!!! She was my biggest baby. When they told me her weight I'm like "WHAT????" I was just in complete shock that I was able to push her out. I'm like that explains why I was so miserable carrying her at the end. I was all baby.

I was stuck in the delivery room until like 10 pm. The epidural was taking forever to wear off on my right leg. I was happy when I finally gained feeling back. I did get to have dinner while waiting for my leg to be normal.
It was very yummy!!! Especially when you haven't eaten since early morning.

We stayed in the hospital one night. We had to do a full 24 hours though. She needed a couple of tests done that couldn't be done until the 24 hour mark. So we were discharged at like 7:30 pm.

The kids were in love with their baby sister when they finally saw her. Even after a week later they are still in love with her. I hope they continue loving her a lot.

We like taking lots of pictures....can't ya tell???
So let's go to some real talk about post pregnancy care. These are items you will most likely leave the hospital with. The squirt bottle, also called a peri bottle, is for cleaning off your privates instead of using toilet paper. Your stuff is going to be swollen and this is nicer than the toilet paper. Plus if you get stitches, you won't be tugging or pulling at them with a squirt bottle. The tucks pads could be something you get or don't get. If you do a lot of pushing, you will end up with hemorrhoids. I was very glad for these because they helped a lot!!!! Also had to sit on an ice pack one morning because of the pain. The other thing was something new to me. It's called Epifoam. They used to give you a spray called Dermoplast but the nurse told me they stopped with that because people were spraying themselves in the face somehow. I don't know. People amaze me. The Epifoam is essentially the same though. You shake it up, spray some on your fingers and apply to your nether regions for pain and swelling. It does the job as well!

Now if you plan on bottle feeding like I am, then you'll want a trick to dry up your breast milk quickly so your boobs are not sore as all hell. Cabbage leaves. Yes I am serious. You place a leaf or two or three(Depending on your size) in your bra and it feels really nice and cold. It helps with swelling and pain. I was optimistic at first but I'm a believer now. It does work. Also taking any kind of antihistamines will dry you up. I had to take an allergy pill the one night because mine were in over drive. That did help with some pain and swelling as well.

Also, if you are someone who suffers from depression, there's a good chance you will have postpartum depression. If you feel yourself getting way down, please call your doctor and let them know. It's a very serious thing that could lead to worse things. I've been dealing with some sadness each day. Having 4 kids total to take care of and 2 that are toddlers and fighting like there's no tomorrow have been very rough on me. At least once a day, I lock myself in the bathroom for a few minutes just to sit and cry. I know if it gets too bad though to talk with my doctor. I know things will get better and I need to stay strong for my kids.
I can't wait to see what adventures I have with this little girl added to the mix now. Oh, and one last bragging rights I think I deserve....and because it annoys some people....NO STRETCH MARKS!!!!! This is my 4th child! Goodnight everyone!

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