I can't believe I am still carrying this little girl around. This is the longest I've gone in a pregnancy. My other 2 girls were 38 weeks and my guy was 36 almost 37 weeks. I think I've made it too comfy in there for her. I feed her good food and give her anything she asks for basically. Spoiled rotten. At this point, I'm super miserable. Sleep at night is a joke. I toss and turn and then when I finally do get to sleep I need to wake up and pee. My back aches horribly every morning. I've tried all the wives tales to try and kick start labor and none of them have worked. It's just so bizarre that she doesn't want to come out. Since 35 weeks, I've been stuck at 3cm dilated and 50% effaced. On days I go to the doctor I seem to be in a bad mood because I know in my heart nothing has changed. I know it's best she stay in as long as possible but if you haven't been pregnant, then you don't get it. The pain and the aches your body goes through. And on top of all the aches and pains, dealing with contractions that don't progress you! Once a week or week and a half I've been in labor and delivery for contractions that last for 2 or 3 hours being 5 minutes apart and then stopping. More frustration to add to it all.
Yesterday I tried my hardest to do something fun with my kids. I'm like lets go to the zoo! Well, we were able to see 3 animals, all at the front of the zoo. I couldn't handle it. I felt completely awful. I made my 9 year old upset. She didn't really talk with me the rest of the day. I wanted so badly to see more of the animals and to try and take a peek at the new exhibit that will be opening up in a couple of weeks. I tried making it up to them by getting them each something from the gift shop. Kayla(oldest) got some Floof. It's like play-doh but less messier. Emma(middle) got a stuffed monkey, and Alex(youngest) got a stuffed elephant. It still didn't help them cheer up much but it helped some.
The past few Saturdays I've gone out with my mom to Toys R Us since they are closing all the stores. At my store, stuff is marked 40-60% off I believe. So my mom got me some bassinet sheets and a high chair.The highchair was originally $50 but we paid like $30. So that was a good deal. Plus it was the last one left. Had to grab it. This girl is set on everything she needs. Mommy and Daddy are more than prepared for her arrival.
So with Brianna not being here yet, my brain started turning. I have some theories on why she refuses to come out. They are silly so you have been warned. The first theory is we don't have her middle name picked out. With my other 3 we had their names fully picked out months in advance. We just can't seem to decide on one yet. I've given some that I like but you know how men are and say no about everything. Ugh. Pain in my ass. I've suggested Lynn, Erin, and Rey. I'm determined to have a child with some kind of Star Wars name in their name. Yes I'm a Star Wars geek. Could you not tell from my night gown above? M second theory is I've been using a lot of products with eucalyptus. I'm wondering if the smell is very calming and calming my body down to not go into labor. I have a candle, pillow spray, and lotion. All from Bath and Body. It's a smell I love. I've calmed down with the spray and candle but the lotion is hard to slow down on. I've been trying to use my lavender lotion lately now.
My next OB appointment I will be one day away from 40 weeks! I will have to discuss with my doctor what the next steps will be if I don't go into labor before then. I asked her at my last appointment to strip my membranes but she said with me being 3cm already there wouldn't be much to strip. I've also heard from some people that it honestly didn't help them. So my other 2 options would be induction or c-section. I hate c-section recovery. I want to avoid a c-section if possible. The nurses at the office think if I do get induced it would be the 13th of June. I'm like "Ugh, I really don't want her born on the 13th." But we'll see what my doctor says when I see her next Wednesday.
So that's what has been going on with me. Still pregnant, still cranky. Hopefully my next post I can show of my new baby girl!!!
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