Monday, May 14, 2018

Nearing the End

Wow, I didn't realize it's been a month and a half since I updated. Well, I am at 36 1/2 weeks now and its been nothing but a roller coaster.
Last week I was at the hospital 3 days in a row. I stayed over night the one day because of contractions not going away. I ended up having to get a steroid shot which is done in 2 doses. It's to help baby's lungs in case she does come early.

Those are the pics I got while having my contractions. Basically since last Wednesday, I've been having on and off contractions that are not progressing me at all. I'm stuck at 3cm dilated and 50% effaced. It's been very frustrating for me. Yes i know it's still a little early for her to come but when you keep having random contractions that are getting annoying, you just want the pregnancy at the ending point. Contractions make you tired as hell!! They are very exhausting. I forgot how exhausting they were until this weekend. and it's still going on at this point. So i'm just tired and done.

So let' rewind a little. These pics are from 31 weeks. I was contracting consistently which is not a good thing at 31 weeks. I was given fluids to try and stop them and that didn't help so the next step was a shot. Don't ask me to remember what it's called. I know it starts w a T though. That helped stop them finally. So then we got to go home.

Today when I saw the doctor, I saw a different one because this week my doctor is out of town. I liked this other doctor I saw. He was very nice. I'm picky as hell when it comes to an OB doctor. I prefer a female doctor because they are female and know not to go all Rambo on your crotch. They don't shove shit up there and feel around like it's their property. Some of the guy OB's I've had have been a little aggressive with checking me and all and I was not a fan. The doctor today though was good. I'm glad he wasn't all handsy and obnoxious. If I do go in labor this week, I would be comfortable with him delivering my baby.

The way things seem to be going though is just frustrating. All these contractions I'm having and no progression. I'm not a big girl to begin with. I started my pregnancy at 117. I'm up to 140 as of today. Carrying this extra weight has been hard on my back. Yes it's my 4th child, but it's something you can't really get used to. I know I'll drop the weight quickly as I've done with every pregnancy. I usually pop the kid out and i'm like 5 or so pounds away from where I started. No, I'm not bragging. I have high metabolism. It's a curse that all my friends hate me for. I know one day it'll catch up to me. But I am just miserable at this point. The weather hasn't been awful. I live in Ohio where the weather is so unpredictable this time of year. This week we are looking at 70s all week. Last week I had heat on one day and AC the next. I am that person to complain the 1st day it's too hot. With having the extra weight, I'm going to do it more. Another reason I'd love to be done is because I really don't have any clothes that fit. Well, bottoms. Shirts I have no issue with. I didn't wanna shop for bigger clothes because whats the point. Also my last 2 pregnancies, I was able to wear my yoga pants the whole time with no issue. I'm not sure what's going on this time.

My hopes with this one were to go at least until my girls were done with school, which will be May 24th. Well for the oldest it is May 24th. My other daughter's last day is May 22nd since she's only preschool. I guess we will see if I do get that wish. Even though I want to be done I know the longer she's in the better. So I will continue to just push day by day to get through this because I know once she's here I'l be like oh my God, go back in. I am fully prepared for her though. Hopefuly next week I can update and ay hey she's here or almost here.

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