Welcome to my life! I'm Heather and I want to share my life with you all. A little about myself to start things off.
I'm 31 and I live with my 3 kids and my hubby. He's not actually my hubby but being together for 10 years is basically marriage to me. He's stuck with me and I'm stuck with him. We live in Cleveland, Ohio. Our kids are Kayla, Emma, and Alexander. Their ages are 8, 3, and 2(Alex will be 2 on August 14th). I'm a stay at home mom because our daughter Emma is a special needs child.
I love being able to stay home with my kids but there are days I would love to be out and making money. I'd love to be able to do an at home job but there's just nothing that peaks my interest. When I do get time to myself when the kids are occupying themselves, I love to play video games! I'm an xbox girl but also will play some playstation 4. My go to game to play is Call of Duty. Yes, I know. LAME! But it keeps me entertained and I have met new friends playing online. Other hobbies I have are listening to music and writing when I get a free chance. Not much to myself but it's me.
Now onto my kids.....my first born. Kayla!
This girl just cracks me up at times. She's 8 years old and I still wonder how the heck we're at this age already and why has time gone by so fast. She's so smart too! She's heading into the 3rd grade this year. At the end of her 2nd grade year, her teacher gave me a letter stating that Kayla would be in an advanced Math class this year. I was surprised she didn't get accepted in an advanced reading class. She's a little book worm. Mid year last year they took a reading test to see what level each child was at. She was at a 4th grade level. I never found out her results for the end of the year testing but they usually start these state tests in September or October. I'm sure her reading has progressed a lot more over the summer. The end of the school year last year Kayla started dealing with a lot of anxiety issues. She had some other stuff going on as well which made me switch hospitals and pediatricians. She ended up getting referrals to a few different doctors. We saw an allergist and an ENT. She also had a sleep study done because she has huge tonsils. She was supposed to get her tonsils out over the summer but after many phone calls, I never got a call back to schedule her in for surgery. So now I'll have to wait until next summer because with tonsil removal, that's 2 weeks out of school. She can hold off for another year I hope. For her anxiety issues I made her an appointment to get some counseling. She's been doing great with her all summer. She goes once a week. I'm almost certain the anxiety is going to kick back up next Monday when school starts, but fingers crossed it doesn't.
My sweet little 2nd born, Emma. Our lives were flipped upside down when we went to our ultrasound appointment to find out if she was a boy or girl. We ended up getting a phone call a couple of days later stating that something was wrong with her brain. I wasn't even home when I received the call. I was out at my cousins. So after a couple of phone calls we were scheduled for a 3-D imaging to get a better view of things. That appointment we learned Emma had Spina Bifida. It's a neural tube defect that happens before a woman ever knows shes pregnant. Most dr's claim it's lack of folic acid but I know other moms who took their folic acid before getting pregnant and still had a child with SB. My pregnancy felt like it took forever because all my questions wouldn't get answered until she arrived. I was scared and terrified. I was told to have an abortion. I couldn't though. I had heard her heart beat and saw her little face. She was mine and I was going to do whatever it took to keep her happy. After Emma was born, she spent a month in the hospital and had 3 surgeries. 2 of those surgeries were just in the first 48 hours! She was an amazing fighter though. It always amazes me how fast she bounces back from surgeries. Fast forward to now.....She's been through 9 surgeries in just 3 years. those surgeries included 2 back closure surgeries, 6 brain surgeries, and 1 eye surgery. She does wear glasses. She also uses a walker to get around. Tomorrow we actually go to get her quad canes I believe.
This fall she starts preschool! I'm still in shock over this. She will be going all day as well! I'm freaking out a lot about it but I know she is gonna have fun and make new friends. She's hopefully going to be taking a bus as well(still waiting to hear from the transportation department). The school she will be attending is a different school from her sister because she needed a school with a full time nurse and 1 floor. She needs a nurse at the school because she gets catheterized a few times a day. She will need it done at school once. We go later this week to get a peek of her school too! EEK!!! Mommy jitters!
This is my handsome little man who will be 2 next week! My Alexander! He's been a little turd since the beginning. In all reality, Alex was not planned. We were content with our 2 girls, especially with the fear that another child would have medical issues. I was on birth control but as we all know, that doesn't always work. I was in denial. I hadn't gotten my monthly visitor. I just assumed I was still not completely normal from having Emma. I was having a meeting at home with some nurses who wanted to check up on Emma. This was in January so Emma was 6 months old. They had asked how I was and told them. They insisted I should go get a test just to be safe. So after they left I did. I bought 2 to be on the safe side. Came home and took the test. Surprise!!! I fell to my knees in tears because I was not ready for another child yet. Joey wasn't home at the time I found out. He was at work. When I picked him up, I showed him the picture of the test. He looked at me like I was nuts. I'm like nope. We are pregnant again. When we found out Alex would be a boy, Joey was so excited because now he finally had his boy. Alex was born a healthy little guy. Of course the only difficult thing he could have done was coming 1 day early. So he was born at 36 weeks and 7 days making him a preemie technically. So we had to stay an extra day in the hospital. Alex has been a pretty good kid the past 2 years. He has some eczema and when he gets bad colds he has to use an inhaler for his coughs. He also has 2 toes that are kinda fused together. It's kinda cool. It's gonna be me and him this fall since his sister's will be at school so we're gonna try potty training!!! That will be an adventure.
So that's my life so far. Just living life with my family and enjoying the crazy ride called life! Can't wait to share more life experiences with you all!!!
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