Monday, April 6, 2020

Emotionally Drained

So we're starting our 4th week of social distancing. Emotionally, this has been something really hard, but I know it's the best thing to do right now for everyone. Yeah, I'm someone who listens to the guidelines. I stay home unless I need to go out for groceries. I want this over with and done quickly. The jokes online about how introverts are fine during this isolation period because we're used to it. Well guess what, I'm an introvert and I'm not having an easy time during this. I spend a couple of days a week just crying. I listen to music to try and mellow out but it makes me cry even more. All I want to do is sleep, but I can't because I have 4 kids I need to care for and make sure that they are okay. I scream and yell every day because I don't know how to deal with this. I realize none of us do and I'm not asking for sympathy. I try not watching stuff online because it makes my anxiety worse but then I'm isolating even more. You can't get away from any of it. I play video games to de-stress and we all always end up talking about it because it's the only thing to talk about.

 Alcohol sales in my state have gone up. Honestly, I'm sure that's every state. Have I been drinking more? I have been. I don't drink anything hard. I drink freaking Smirnoff. I drink one and I'm done, but when you find yourself buying more, it's not good. I used to drink maybe once a year. Now I'm drinking 2-3 times a week! I get to my breaking point and I go to the fridge to grab a bottle. There's that Meme on Facebook going around, I forget what the first option is, but the second is coming out of this an alcoholic. I joke and say yup. I'm coming out an alcoholic. I had always told myself I didn't want to drink ever or get out of hand with it because I've seen what the long term effects can do to a person. This is one of the only things helping me cope right now. I have a bottle sitting next to me. I haven't opened it yet. It's just sitting there. We had a fight again.....

Today's argument is me staying up late the past couple of nights. It means I'm doing things I shouldn't be doing. I'm on Xbox playing with friends I have known for 17 years!!! We actually sat and did the math last night because we had talked about it, but when I stay up late, it means I'm being stupid and yeah. I act different according to him. I talk quietly so he can't hear. No, I was talking quite loudly the past couple of days and if I do get quiet, it's because I'm in concentration mode on the game we're playing. Everything I do is put under the microscope though. I'm only allowed to play with a few certain people it seems like. You might ask if we have all these issues pertaining to the Xbox, then why don't I just get rid of it or stay off of it? It's my escape. I've always loved video games. I shouldn't have to give up something I love doing when I'm not even doing anything wrong. I hate that he always thinks I am though. Trust is never going to be given back. I'm tired of standing up for myself when I wasn't doing anything wrong over the weekend. I'm getting my quiet time that I don't get anymore. Am I cranky in the morning from staying up late? Sure, but I still get up before him when I went to bed last and get up with Brianna! So what does that say about me? I tried laying down today an hour after Brianna laid down. I said "Hey, could you keep an ear out for her so I can take a nap?" "Sure." I lay down and not long after, Brianna wakes up. I lay in bed with my eyes closed for 15-20 minutes. She fussed and cried. Never came to grab her. So I got up and didn't bother with my nap. If I want to stay up late to veg out, then fucking let me! It's my time to have sanity.

Yes I bitch and complain about MY kids. How I need space from them at times and need to regain my sanity. I say how I miss my alone time when I didn't have kids. I'm allowed to say stuff like that. Yes I understand I made my choice having 4 kids, but for fucks sake, let me say whatever I fucking want! No, I wouldn't change having them, but of course I'm going to miss my days of freedom. Any person would say the same. Ask any mom out there. They would agree with me. Let us have our jokes on Facebook about missing alone time. In the long run, we wouldn't change having our kids because we love them to death, even though they drive us bat shit crazy. Days when they had school, while they were gone was my alone time. I don't get that time right now because we're all home. I'm trying to keep them entertained and so much more and I've hit my breaking point a lot of times in the past 3 weeks. Again though, I wouldn't change having them. I do love them. Let me bitch about them though. Don't put me down for stupid shit.

So before I go, I leave you with a little bit of funny. We all need to smile when we can because otherwise, we'll end up crying in a corner for days on end. Pull yourself up and out of that bad mood. Take a walk. Take a drive. Advice I should be taking as well. 

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