Brianna is an Ed Sheeran fan. I can't make this up either. Every time one of his songs comes on, she sits and dances and bobs her head. He's got some catchy stuff. I like Ed too.
She enjoys getting into stuff and bugging her siblings as well.
She is finally crawling more on all 4's. She will still army crawl but that's because she's still quicker at doing that. She's slowly getting quicker though with regular crawling.
She likes pulling herself to standing position by the couch to see what I'm doing. Usually I'm talking with her aunties on the phone and she tries stealing my phone then. She's a brat.
We tried some waffles the other day because she was standing by the couch eating one of the kids chocolate chip cookies. She wasn't too impressed with the waffles. Well who would be after having a chocolate chip cookie?
2 more months and she will be one. I'm gonna be honest, I haven't done any birthday planning yet because I've gotten to the point of "OMG i hate birthday parties!" I'm honestly not sure what I want to do yet. Probably just cake and presents and maybe seeing if my family wants to do something.
Here are her stats for the month(I couldn't get her weight because I have two children who broke my scale.)
-size 3 diapers
-9/12 month clothes
-6 oz of formula
-1 container of baby food
-trying table foods
-sits up on own
-crawls on all 4's
-pulls to stand along furniture
-slowly cruises couch
-2 teeth
-big girl car seat(rear facing)
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