So 2 weeks ago, Emma had her meeting for her yearly IEP review. An IEP is an Individualized Education Program. It is so Emma can get special services through the school if she needs them, which she does. She can get physical therapy and occupational therapy. There's also instructions of how she will be transported to and from school and how she will get around her school. Just stuff like that. We also write goals for the year that we want her to achieve.
I met with her teacher, the school nurse, physical therapist, occupational therapist, district representative, and a general education teacher.
The first talk was with the school nurse because she couldn't stay long. She said Emma has been doing great with getting cathed at school. No infections and very helpful with reminding about putting her cream on when she does have a small rash. She also gave me the form that i need to have filled out by Emma's urologist to be cathed at school next year. We will see her this summer at Myelo Clinic.
Next we spoke with the PT. She said Emma has been doing great with stairs and getting around the school. She uses her walker in school for longer distances but in the classroom she doesn't. She walks around on her own. She also walks across the hall to the bathroom when she needs changed. There's a bench in there that she can lay on to get changed. She's also happy with Emma's progress. She was concerned about how Emma will get around next year because there would be a lot more walking up and down stairs. There is two floors at this school. They do have an elevator at the school. They mentioned Emma going to a new school that is strictly one level and the list of schools they had given me just would not work with my current schedule so i said no, I'd like her to stay here because she is familiar with people and the nurse is familiar with her as well. I said she is fine to use the stairs maybe once or twice a day but also let her use the elevator. They were fine with that. And I asked if i would be thrown under a bus like I was this past year with them switching schools without my knowledge. They said no. That's only a pre-k thing. As long as she is at that school and I don't say anything about a change, she stays.
That must have you Emma done with preschool???
My baby is going to Kindergarten next year!!! I'm beyond proud of her for this accomplishment. And she's not going to a Special Education kindergarten. She is going to a Kindergarten class that does have kids with IEP's but it's a regular class! The teachers say she is too smart to be in a special ed classroom.(Ok I'm tearing up writing that because she has been through so much and knowing she is doing amazing makes me proud)
Back to talking with people....The Occupational Therapist also said she's doing awesome. They work with fine motor skills. So handwriting and scissors and stuff like that.
These letter and number worksheets are from August 28th, 2018. Obviously she needed some work.
This is from January 10th, 2019, so right after Christmas break. Getting better.....
This last one is from March 13th, 2019. She didn't do the numbers. I don't know why, but OMG! The progress from August until just March? Emma really is amazing! She needs a little work on a couple of letters but still. Not bad for a 4 1/2 year old!
Emma still needs help with scissor projects but she can cut stuff pretty good too.
One thing we had discussed at last years IEP meeting was Emma's attention span and what not. She is doing better with it but still has trouble at times. She doesn't need as many prompts to do something when told to do it which is really good. I had asked if maybe it was something that may need possible medication in the future. They seemed a little unsure about it and said they would monitor it the rest of the school year and get back to me about it. We see the behavioral doctor at Myelo clinic this summer, that's why I had asked. Hopefully if my butt remembers, I'll take her IEP to the Myelo clinic meeting so she can look it over.
Other things that are mentioned in the IEP are goals and tasks she can perform. Emma is getting better with answering "Wh" questions, sometimes answering her own question. She's a goofball. She also can hold writing utensils properly, needs assistance with scissors and glue sticks and seems to be showing more right hand dominance. At times she still does switch but mostly uses righty. Emma can also write her first name! She's working on writing her last name but is still using the tracing sheet that was given to her by her teacher.
Routine daily living skills she can perform are taking off her coat and hat and hanging them up in her cubby, she can pull up her pants after being changed, she does need a little assistance with washing hands thoroughly. She puts her folder in the bin in the morning and also grabs her pillow and blanket when it's nap time.
Now here is a check list of the academics she knows....
-10/10 colors
-9/12 shapes(including 3-D shapes)
-26 uppercase letters
-23 lowercase letters(mixes up b,d,g,q.)
-counts 1-20
Something else that was brought up for next year was testing. Kids in Kindergarten do go through some state testing. Since Emma has an IEP, we did put in there for her to have extended time to do the testing! It's crazy to think she will have state testing in kindergarten. I hope she does well with it.
So she is doing amazingly well. Last year, i always felt like i got emotional at all these meetings. This meeting i did not get emotional or upset. I'm thinking the pregnancy made me pretty hormonal last year. I handled this one like a champ! So go me! I'm excited for Emma to start Kindergarten next year and learn so much.