Today my Brianna is 9 months old. She had a doctor appointment today as well. I love having her appointments fall on the days where i can do the fun updates of how she's doing each month.
Today at the doctor, we discussed a lot of things. We talked about her head growth which was a concern the last time we were there. She was in the 95th percentile with head growth. Today we're at 70th. So her head is just fine! No worries to have to go to Neuro! We also discussed her right eye again. It's not goopy today but at times we have noticed her right eye more closed than her left. Her doctor said as long as the eyelid is not covering the pupil then there isn't an issue. We will see an eye doctor at 1 if we still have the goopy eye issue. We also talked about the small patch of dry skin she has on her right side of her abdomin. Just some eczema which I've been using Hydrocortisone cream on since Alex had the same issue.
And then I asked about this little guy. I thought it was a wart. She said it could be or it also could be a calcium build up. She said it's not an issue but we can keep an eye on it for now. We like keeping an eye on things a lot apparently. LMAO. Her next appointment is at 1 year. We weren't able to schedule today because they don't have June's schedule yet so I'll call next month to get it scheduled. So here's a list of all of Brianna's stats for the month!
-size 3 diapers
-6oz of formula at bottle time
-stage 2 foods
-9-12 month clothes
-rolling over
-sitting up unassisted
-pulling herself to sitting position by herself
-army crawls
-2 teeth
-babbles dada
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