Thursday, August 16, 2018

back to school season

Well it's that time of year!! The kids are going back to school. Every year it's earlier and earlier.
This year kayla started school on August 13th. Today is her 4th day back and I haven't had any complaints so far from her. Also probably because the homework hasn't started rolling in too much yet. She's gotten 1 sheet of homework a day and it's just get to know you type stuff. She said a couple of her friends are in her class this year. The one thing I'm thankful for is that her school is air conditioned. I say this because this year she is on the 3rd floor of her school which is the top floor. It used to get pretty hot up there when they didn't have ac a few years ago.

Emma will be starting full day preschool on the 21st. She is going to be at a new school as well. I'm hoping she does great this year and can progress to kindergarten next year in a regular classroom. If not then it's no biggie. I know they will do what is best for her. She will also be on a bus this year. Now since her class has a few more special needs kids i'm not sure if these kids will also be on the bus with her and it's a special bus or what. I guess we will find out on Tuesday. Tomorrow we go to meet her teacher! Hopefully that goes well too. I had to order Emma's birth certificate because her teacher said they needed it. I guess the birth letter doesn't work anymore. Oh well. Its something they eventually need anyways.

It's going to be nice having the girls out of the house for a full day this year. Last year I only got me and Alex time for an hour. This year it will be me Alex and Brianna for like 4 or 5 hours. It will be lots of fun. I also plan on working on potty training Alex this year. I'm hopeful we're successful.

So I'm looking forward to the school year and for good things!! Also hopeful for some good grades from Kayla!

2 months old

so I'm 8 days late with this post, but i somehow have a 2 month already!!! I have no clue how this time is going by so fast but it is. I feel like I just had her. She's still not really doing too much but she is staying up a little more in between naps which is good. For 2 weeks, I had her sleeping through the night!!! Now it's back to waking once a night which still isn't bad if you think about are her stats for the month!

-11 lbs 15.5 oz
-23 1/4 in
-size 1 diapers
-3-4 oz of formula at a time
-past week and a half sleeping thru night
-size 3 months or 0-3 month clothes
-better head control, still a little wobbly